Air Pollution

Nowadays, air pollution is being serious in our country. I truly believe that everyone can feel the severity of air pollution. There are many causes of air pollution.

The causes of Air Pollution

Out of Malaysia’s 29 million population, the number of smokers is estimated to be 9 million, and that is 23 percent. The environment tobacco smoke produces fine particular matter. It is also the most dangerous element of air pollution for our health.

Other than that, for passenger cars, Malaysia is ranked 44th with 341 cars per 1k of people. The major pollution contributor is passenger vehicles. Passenger vehicles will produce large amount of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and also other pollution that will make our air pollution getting more serious.

The photo of below is taken by me, and it was on the highway. You can see that the amount of the vehicles. Every vehicles are producing the air will cause air pollution and affect our health.

Lastly, the haze during these few weeks are really serious. Haze normally occurs when dust and smoke particles are accumulating in relative dry air. When weather conditions block the dispersal of smoke and other pollutants they concentrate and form a usually low-hanging shroud that impairs visibility and may become a respiratory health threat.

This photo is taken by me.

How to protect ourselves against Air Pollution

To protect ourselves from the unhealthy air, we can buy the face mask and wear it whenever you are at outdoors. For example, we can wear the face mask when we walking on the road. Face mask provides protection against worsening haze.

This photo is taken by me when i was walking to school.

Other than that, we also need to reduce the outdoor activities and drink plenty of water. So that we could not get sick easily.

Published by pearlyloww

Food for life

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  1. Agreed with your point that air pollution do indeed cause inconvenience in our daily life. Our health are also at stake if we didnt take precaution agaist the situation.


  2. After reading your blog, I can clearly know how serious was the haze in Malaysia, despite I study abroad in Australia. You’re provided the information about the haze problem in Malaysia is very clear, simultaneously, this also can let everyone began to pay attention to the problem caused by haze.


  3. Best article I’ve ever seen!!! This article influenced me to drive less and walk more instead.From the pictures above, I can see how terrible is our current environment. To save our beloved earth, please read this article and spread the awareness to your surrounding.


  4. Haze often irritates the nose, throat, airways, skin and eyes. The common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, dry throat, cough and eye irritation, be advised to take proper treatment if you found these symptoms.


  5. Thank you for the information! Reading this article made me aware of the current environmental issues in Malaysia.


  6. Agreed with all the information above. Made me wanna swim back to Malaysia from Toronto instead of flying next summer !


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